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P1 Mathematics, 2022-23
Somerville College, University of Oxford
College Tutor

Teaching Y1 Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Complex Algebra.

CWM: Programmable Network Devices, 2021-22
University of Oxford
Demonstrator and Teaching Assistant to Prof. Noa Zilberman

Give lectures and guide students in laboratory experiments.

4th Year Project, 2021-22
University of Oxford
Co-supervision (unofficially) with Prof. Noa Zilberman

Guided and supported two 4th Year Projects.

Engineering Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2021
University of Oxford
Co-supervision with Prof. Noa Zilberman

Guided and supported the Project.

Circuit Analysis and Design, 2018-19
UESTC & UoG Joint School, UESTC
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Francesco Fioranelli

Gave tutorial lectures and guided students in laboratory experiments.